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Welcome to the Silverman lab! We are researchers who are interested in identifying, characterizing, and applying DNA as an enzyme. We use techniques and concepts from chemical biology, organic chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, and other disciplines to design our experiments and interpret our results. Please visit our Research and Publications pages for more information about our laboratory's activities. Please visit our People page to learn more about our laboratory's members.                                                                         


News from the Silverman Lab

December 2024
Welcome first-year graduate students Yeoeun (Chemistry), Angelina (Biochemistry), Jikun (Biochemistry), and Owen (Chemistry) to the lab!

September 2024
Prakriti's manuscript on DNAzymes for peptide lysine acylation is now published in ChemBioChem. Congratulations!

July 2024
Congralations to Robert for his newly published Nucleic Acids Research manuscript on DNAzymes that N-alkylate oligonucleotide nucleobases!

May 2024
Prakriti has won the Dr. Sandra Murawski Award for Mentoring Excellence from the Department of Chemistry, in recognition of her outstanding mentorship of undergraduate students in the lab. Congratulations Prakriti!

May 2024
Welcome visiting Snyder Scholar undergraduate Maria Perakis from Bradley University for the summer!

March 2024
Michelle and Maria have both received Department of Chemistry summer undergraduate research scholarships, and Tomas has received an MCB Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) award!

January 2024
Welcome undergraduate Biochemistry major Esther to the lab!

December 2023
Congratulations to Maria and other lab members for their recent manuscript in Angewandte Chemie on DNAzymes for oligonucleotide nucleobase N-acylation!

May 2023
Robert has won the Gary Schuster Mentoring Scholarship from the Department of Chemistry, in recognition of his exemplary mentoring of several undergraduate students in the lab. Congratulations Robert!

May 2023
Welcome visiting Snyder Scholar undergraduate Clair Colee from Scripps College for the summer!

May 2023
Welcome undergraduate Biochemistry major Tomas to the lab!

May 2023
Morgan has decided to attend UC Berkeley for chemistry grad school! Congratulations to Morgan for two department awards: the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry outstanding senior undergraduate, and the Reynold C. Fuson Award for excellence in undergraduate research.

April 2023
Congratulations to Shukun for her successful Ph.D. thesis defense!

March 2023
Michelle and Maria have both received Department of Chemistry summer undergraduate research scholarships!

February 2023
Congratulations to Shukun for her recent manuscript in Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry! This study of DNA-catalyzed amine alkylation by reductive amination is a large portion of Shukun's Ph.D. thesis research.

May 2022
Welcome visiting Snyder Scholar undergraduate Aurora Miranda from St. Edward's University for the summer!

April 2022
Morgan and Maria have both received Department of Chemistry scholarships, and Michelle has received a School of MCB fellowship, for their summer undergraduate research!

March 2022
Scott contributed to a multidisciplinary study on epigenetic MRI, published in PNAS. Read the Illinois News Bureau story and Chemistry World article.

February 2022
Welcome undergraduate Chemistry major Maria to the lab!

January 2022
Welcome undergraduate Biochemistry major Michelle to the lab!

November 2021
Congratulations to Prakriti for passing her third-year preliminary examination!

September 2021
Congratulations to Robert for passing his third-year preliminary examination!

May 2021
Morgan has received a Department of Chemistry scholarship for her summer research in the lab!

April 2021
Congratulations to Yves for his successful Ph.D. thesis defense!

April 2021
Congratulations to Shukun for her nicely presented BIOC 595 student seminar!

December 2020
Yves and Jack's manuscript was highlighted in the OBC Editor's Collection!

October 2020
Yves and Jack's manuscript on DNAzymes for amine and peptide lysine acylation is now in press at Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry! Congratulations to Yves, Jack, and several previous group members for this work.

September 2020
We have submitted Yves and Jack's manuscript on DNAzymes for amine and peptide lysine acylation to ChemRxiv!

May 2020
Morgan has received a Department of Chemistry scholarship for her summer research in the lab!

April 2019
Great news (again) for Caroline, who has earned an MCB SURF award to support her upcoming summer research in the lab!

December 2019
Welcome undergraduate Chemistry major Morgan to the lab!

December 2019
Welcome first-year Biochemistry graduate student Jack to the lab!

October 2019
We are pleased to welcome first-year Chemistry graduate students Robert and Prakriti to the lab!

October 2019
Good luck to Peter as he begins his new career as a consultant with Boston Consulting Group (BCG)!

August 2019
Congratulations to former Silverman lab undergraduate research student J. P. Gerdt, who is now Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Indiana University!

June 2019
Congratulations to Peter for his successful Ph.D. defense!

May 2019
Welcome visiting Snyder Scholar undergraduate Austin Woodard from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville for the summer!

April 2019
Great news for Caroline, who has earned an MCB SURF award to support her upcoming summer research in the lab!

April 2019
Congratulations to Caleb on High Distinction in Biochemistry upon his graduation! Good luck in your job at Eli Lilly & Company!

December 2018
Congratulations to former Silverman lab grad student Ben Brandsen, who will begin his independent position as Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska in mid-2019!

December 2018
Welcome undergraduate Chemistry major Austin Huang to the lab!

October 2018
Welcome undergraduate MCB major Caroline Kaminsky to the lab!

May 2018
Welcome visiting Chemical Biology Scholar undergraduate Hannah Nilsson from St. Olaf College for the summer!

May 2018
Congratulations to Jim for a Summer Research Scholarship to support his chemistry research this summer!

May 2018
Congratulations to Tent on Highest Distinction in Biochemistry upon her graduation! Best of luck at Yale (Biological & Biomedical Sciences) for graduate school!

May 2018
Congratulations to Cong for his successful Ph.D. defense!

April 2018
Congratulations to Puzhou for his successful Ph.D. defense!

January 2018
Welcome undergraduate Chemistry and MCB double major James Brady to the lab!

December 2017
We are very pleased that Shukun will be joining us for her Ph.D. studies!

June 2017
Welcome incoming MCB (Biochemistry) graduate student Shukun Yang, who is doing summer research in the lab!

May 2017
Welcome visiting Chemical Biology Scholar undergraduates for the summer, Margareta Ianosi-Irimie from UMass Amherst and Sheila Franklin from Carthage College!

May 2017
Welcome undergraduate Biochemistry major Alexander Ruzicka to the lab!

May 2017
Congratulations to Paul for receiving the Carl S. Marvel Award for outstanding undergraduate thesis research at our department's graduation ceremony on May 14!

May 2017
Graduating senior destinations... Paul: UCSF (chemical biology Ph.D.), Adam: U. Chicago (biological sciences Ph.D.), Alice: UIUC (biochemistry Ph.D.), Nick: U. Colorado (biochemistry Ph.D.)!

April 2017
Congratulations to Jimmy for his successful Ph.D. defense!

February 2017
Welcome staff member Kevin Duffin to the lab! Kevin recently earned his B.S. degree in Molecular & Cellular Biology from UIUC.

January 2017
Welcome undergraduate Biochemistry major Caleb Brandmeyer to the lab!

December 2016
Congratulations to Shannon for her successful Ph.D. defense!

December 2016
Congratulations to Paul and Yujeong for their accepted manuscript in J. Am. Chem. Soc.! Congrats also to Ben, Cong, and Alice for their contributions.

July 2016
Puzhou's Angewandte Chemie manuscript on DNA-catalyzed modification of tyrosine in peptides is now available online. Congratulations Puzhou!

June 2016
Congratulations to Anthony and Ben on their ChemComm manuscript on DNA-catalyzed glycosylation! Thanks also to Shannon and Puzhou for their important contributions.

June 2016
Scott's review article on deoxyribozymes is published in Trends in Biochemical Sciences.

May 2016
Welcome undergraduate MCB major Tam Le to the lab!

May 2016
Congratulations to Paul for receiving a Dow Scholarship from the Department of Chemistry for his upcoming summer research!

May 2016
Congratulations to both Nick and Adam for receiving MCB SROP Awards for their upcoming summer research!

May 2016
Graduating senior destinations... Alison: Washington U. in St. Louis (developmental biology Ph.D.), Stephanie: U. Chicago (immunology Ph.D.), Yujeong: Stanford U. (chemistry Ph.D.)!

May 2016
Congratulations to Yujeong for receiving the Carl S. Marvel Award for outstanding undergraduate thesis research at our department's graduation ceremony on May 15!

May 2016
Congratulations to Alison for earning both High Distinction as a Biochemistry senior and the William T. and Lynn Jackson Senior Merit Award for undergraduate thesis research!

April 2016
Congratulations to Jimmy for his manuscript in Org. Biomol. Chem. on using histidine tags for recruiting deoxyribozymes to peptide substrates!

April 2016
Yujeong has earned Bronze Tablet honors as a graduating senior!

April 2016
Congratulations to Alison and Shannon for their manuscript in Biochemistry on DNA-catalyzed oligonucleotide 3'-phosphorylation! Thanks to Sarah for her contributions on this project as well.

March 2016
Congratulations to Yujeong for receiving an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! Her choice of graduate school is forthcoming!

March 2016
Congratulations to Cong for completing his fourth-year original research proposal!

February 2016
Congratulations to Puzhou for completing his fourth-year original research proposal!

February 2016
Cong's manuscript on DNA-catalyzed amide hydrolysis is now in press at JACS! Congratulations to Cong, Josh, Paul, Ben, and Yujeong for this great story. Also see the C&EN article.

January 2016
Congratulations to former postdoc Claudia Höbartner, now Professor at University of Göttingen, on her recent Nature report of the crystal structure of the 9DB1 RNA ligase deoxyribozyme! Read the C&EN article and Scott's Faculty of 1000 evaluation.

December 2015
We are pleased to welcome Biochemistry graduate student Tianjiong (Yves) Yao to the lab! Yves was most recently at Brandeis University, where he obtained his master's degree.

November 2015
Congratulations to Ben for his successful Ph.D. defense!

November 2015
Yujeong has won a James Scholar Preble Research Award from the Honors Council of the College of LAS. Congratulations Yujeong!

October 2015
Congratulations to Spurti for passing her preliminary examination!

September 2015
Congratulations to Peter for passing his third-year preliminary examination!

September 2015
Shannon's manuscript on sequence-selective tyrosine kinase deoxyribozymes is now in press at Journal of Molecular Evolution, for their special issue celebrating 25 years of PCR-based in vitro selection. Thanks to Stephanie for her ongoing contributions to this effort as well!

August 2015
We are pleased to have Yves Yao and Andi Liu join us for their first MCB rotations for five weeks!

July 2015
Jagdeesh's JACS Communication on phosphoserine lyase deoxyribozymes is now online! Congratulations to Jagdeesh, and thanks to Adam for his contributions to this project.

July 2015
Spurti's manuscript on selective estradiol aptamers is now online at Environmental Science and Technology!

June 2015
Additional congratulations to Anthony for receiving an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, which will support his Ph.D. study at Harvard!

June 2015
Congratulations to former Silverman Lab graduate student Amit Sachdeva, who has taken an independent faculty position as Lecturer in Bio-organic Chemistry at University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK!

June 2015
Welcome undergraduate Biochemistry major Nickolaus Lammer to the lab!

May 2015
Welcome undergraduate Chemistry major Sarah Suk to the lab!

May 2015
One more congratulations to Anthony, who received the Carl S. Marvel Award for outstanding undergraduate thesis research at our department's graduation ceremony on May 17!

May 2015
Miriam was recognized at the Celebrating High School Innovators award celebration this weekend, where Illinois Gov. Rauner congratulated all of the high school awardees. The News-Gazette featured Miriam in a story.

May 2015
Scott's article in Accounts of Chemical Research is now available online.

April 2015
Congratulations to Yujeong for receiving a Gieseking Scholarship from the Department of Chemistry for her upcoming summer research!

April 2015
Anthony has been named as our departmental recipient of the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Outstanding Senior Organic Chemistry Student!

April 2015
After three years of undergraduate research with us, Anthony will be moving on to Harvard for their chemical biology Ph.D. program. We will miss you!

March 2015
Alison has received the William T. and Lynn Jackson Scholar award from the Department of Biochemistry, in support of her upcoming summer of lab research!

March 2015
Congratulations to Jimmy for completing his fourth-year original research proposal!

March 2015
Victor has accepted a position as Scientist I at Ariosa Diagnostics in San Jose, CA. Congratulations to Victor!

March 2015
Shannon has received an NIH NRSA predoctoral fellowship!

December 2014
Miriam has received a Celebrating High School Innovators award for 2014-2015. The award recognizes innovation by high school students in a broad range of science and arts disciplines and is sponsored by the iFoundry of the UIUC College of Engineering. This is a great honor for Miriam!

October 2014
Congratulations to Peter for his great chemical biology second-year literature seminar!

October 2014
Congratulations to Cong for passing his third-year preliminary examination!

September 2014
Congratulations to Puzhou for passing his third-year preliminary examination!

September 2014
Shannon gave an outstanding annual Biochemistry department research seminar on her experiments with kinase deoxyribozymes!

September 2014
All four of the lab's undergraduate Chemistry majors (Anthony, Yujeong, Paul, and Stephanie) have been awarded department scholarships. Congratulations!

August 2014
As this new academic year gets started: Scott's "Five Commandments of Organic Chemistry", from the files. Still valid!

August 2014
Welcome undergraduate student Xinyi (Alice) Li to the lab!

July 2014
Congratulations to Victor upon his Ph.D. defense! See some pictures in the lab photo gallery.

July 2014
View Scott's MCB 150 Honors interview, where he discusses his background, current research, and other topics with the MCB students. All interviews

June 2014
Victor's manuscript reporting a modular tyrosine kinase deoxyribozyme with discrete aptamer and catalyst domains in now in press at ChemComm!

June 2014
Welcome undergraduates Alison Camden, Stephanie Konecki, and Adam Wylder to the lab!

May 2014
Jimmy's manuscript on DNA-catalyzed synthesis of peptide-nucleic acid conjugates has been accepted for publication at ChemBioChem! Congratulations also to Adrienne, who initiated this project.

May 2014
Ben's manuscript on DNA-catalyzed reaction of lysine side chains is now in press at Angewandte Chemie! Many thanks to Tania, Amit, and Nora for all of their earlier contributions to this effort.

April 2014
Former Silverman Lab postdoc Dana Baum has been promoted to Associate Professor of Chemistry with tenure at Saint Louis University, effective July 2014. Congratulations to Dana for her achievement!

April 2014
Congratulations to Jay, who has earned Distinction from the Department of Biochemistry upon his upcoming graduation!

April 2014
Congratulations to Darren, who has earned Highest Distinction from the Department of Biochemistry upon his upcoming graduation! Darren has also earned Biochemistry's Jackson Senior Thesis Award for best thesis, covering his work in our lab and more recently in Prof. Kalsotra's lab.

December 2013
See the great lab holiday photo that Ying created (again)!

December 2013
Congratulations to Ying for completing her Ph.D. thesis defense!

November 2013
Congratulations to Jimmy for passing his third-year preliminary examination!

October 2013
Welcome to the lab chemistry graduate student Chih-Cheng (Peter) Yeh, who joins us from National Taiwan University.

October 2013
Ben's JACS communication on deoxyribozymes that hydrolyze esters and aromatic amides has been accepted for publication. Congratulations to Ben, Anthony, and Marissa for their tremendous efforts on this project. Also, many thanks to Madhav for his earlier experiments, without which this work could not have been performed.

September 2013
Shannon and Amit's JACS communication on deoxyribozymes with tyrosine kinase activity is now in press. Congratulations on this important achievement for our lab!

September 2013
Welcome undergraduate student Yujeong Lee to the lab!

August 2013
Welcome undergraduate student Sherry Prichodko to the lab!

July 2013
Welcome undergraduate student Natalia Recko to the lab!

May 2013
Congratulations to Darren and Ying, whose JACS communication on DNA catalysis of a normally disfavored RNA hydrolysis reaction has been accepted!

May 2013
All four of the lab's Biochemistry undergraduates have received end-of-year honors: Nora and Tania with a level of Distinction in the Department of Biochemistry upon graduation, and Jay and Darren with MCB/Biochemistry summer fellowships. The lab is lucky to have such great students!

April 2013
Congraulations to Shannon for passing her Qualifying Exam in Biochemistry!

March 2013
Jagdeesh's manuscript is now online at PNAS, with a U of I News Bureau press release and a feature story in the March 21 edition of Inside Illinois.

February 2013
Jagdeesh's manuscript on catalytic DNA with phosphatase activity is now in press at PNAS. Congratulations to Jagdeesh!

December 2012
See the great lab holiday photo that Ying created!

November 2012
Congratulations to Jimmy for his excellent chemical biology second-year literature seminar!

October 2012
Welcome chemistry graduate students Puzhou Wang and Cong Zhou to the lab! Both Puzhou and Cong obtained their undergraduate degrees at Peking University.

October 2012
Tania and Jay's co-first-authored manuscript on the importance of random region length is now in press at ACS Combinatorial Science. Congratulations to Tania, Jay, Ying, and all who contributed to these experiments!

September 2012
Congratulations to Jagdeesh and Ben for passing their third-year preliminary examinations!

June 2012
Former Silverman Lab postdoc P. I. Pradeepkumar has been promoted to Associate Professor of Chemistry at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Congratulations to Pradeep for this milestone in his independent career!

June 2012
Congratulations to Ying for receiving the 2012-2013 Pines Graduate Fellowship from the Department of Chemistry! This fellowship "is designed specifically to support those students who have accomplished a significant level of success in research".

June 2012
Congratulations to Ying and Victor for receiving travel awards from the ACS Division of Biological Chemistry! They will both be presenting posters at the upcoming ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia.

June 2012
Congratulations to Ben for receiving a position in the NIH-funded Chemistry-Biology Interface Training Program!

June 2012
Welcome undergraduates Marissa Castner and Anthony Hesser to the lab!

May 2012
Farewell to John, Amanda, and Rebecca, who graduated this semester. John and Amanda are moving on to medical school, at University of Florida and University of Illinois, respectively. Rebecca will be joining Teach for America and teaching high school science in Milwaukee.

February 2012
Victor's manuscript on lanthanide-dependent DNA-catalyzed DNA hydrolysis is now accepted at Chemical Science. Congratulations to Victor!

January 2012
Congraulations to Spurti for passing her Qualifying Exam in Civil & Environmental Engineering!

January 2012
Congratulations to Amit for his manuscript now in press at ChemBioChem, reporting DNA-catalyzed covalent tagging of phosphopeptides. Thanks to Madhav and Jagdeesh for their important experimental contributions, which ensured that we had the highest-quality data for this publication.

December 2011
Welcome biochemistry graduate student Shannon Walsh to the laboratory! Shannon was a biochemistry major at Hartwick College in Oneonta, NY.

November 2011
Congratulations to Adrienne for her successful Ph.D. thesis defense!

November 2011
Congratulations to Victor for completing his third-year preliminary exam!

November 2011
Welcome chemistry graduate student Chih-Chi (Jimmy) Chu to the laboratory! Jimmy joins us from National Taiwan University.

October 2011
Congratulations to Jagdeesh and Ben for their strong chemical biology literature seminars!

September 2011
Congratulations to Ying for her manuscript on broadly general site-specific DNA-catalyzed DNA hydrolysis, now in press at Nucleic Acids Research! Congratulations also to Rebecca and Nora, who contributed to the selection experiments.

September 2011
Welcome to the lab our new undergraduate research students, Samantha Buhr, Mara Dubnow, Darren Parker, and Alexandra Rudolph!

September 2011
Congratulations to Adrienne for her accepted manuscript in Angewandte Chemie on DNA-catalyzed reductive amination! Also, thanks to Amanda for assisting with the identification of these deoxyribozymes.

September 2011
Congratulations to Amit for his forthcoming manuscript in Org. Biomol. Chem., describing an unusual DNA-catalyzed reaction identified during his efforts to catalyze lysine side chain reactivity. We also wish Amit well as he departs for his postdoc position with Jason Chin at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK.

August 2011
Welcome undergraduate Jay Singh to the lab!

August 2011
Welcome to our new postdoc Joshua Avins. Josh earned his Ph.D. in October 2010 with Virginia Cornish at Columbia. He continued working Virginia as well as Ruben Gonzalez as a postdoc until joining us this month.

August 2011
Congratulations to Amit for his successful Ph.D. thesis defense!

June 2011
Welcome undergraduate Tania Velez to the lab!

April 2011
Congratulations to Adrienne for her in-press Biochemistry manuscript, which is the first to report DNA-catalyzed modification of free peptide side chains! A special thanks to Pradeep, whose synthetic contributions were invaluable for enabling this work.

March 2011
Scott has been awarded the UIUC Campus Award for Excellence in Guiding Undergraduate Research.

January 2011
Nora has been awarded a Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research to support
her research project.

January 2011
Former Silverman Lab postdoc Claudia Höbartner, currently Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany, has been awarded the Peter and Traudl Engelhorn Foundation Research Prize for 2011. In September, Claudia won the Silver Medal
(European Young Chemists Award) at the 3rd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress
in Nürnberg.

November 2010
Congratulations to Ying and Emily for their upcoming manuscript on metal dependence of DNA-catalyzed DNA hydrolysis, now accepted for publication
at Chem. Commun.!

November 2010
Congratulations to Ying for completing her third-year preliminary exam!

October 2010
Welcome to first-year chemistry graduate students Benjamin Brandsen and Jagadeeswaran Chandrasekhar! Ben and Jagdeesh join us from Calvin College and IIT Bombay, respectively.

October 2010
Welcome to postdoc Yun Xie, who joins us after recently completing her Ph.D. with Yitzhak Tor at UCSD.

October 2010
Congratulations to Victor for his excellent chemical biology literature seminar!

October 2010
Congratulations to Ying and Madhav for their manuscript on functional compromises in DNA-catalyzed DNA hydrolysis, now accepted for publication at Biochemistry!

August 2010
With the start of the Fall 2010 semester, we welcome Yoonhee Ahn and Amanda Mulcrone as new undergraduates to the lab. We also welcome Spurti Akki to the lab. Spurti is an incoming graduate student in Civil & Environmental Engineering, jointly supervised by Prof. Charles Werth in CEE.

August 2010
Christine and Tim's manuscript on improved deoxyribozymes for synthesizing branched DNA and RNA has been accepted at Nucleic Acids Research. Congratulations to Christine and Tim!

August 2010
Scott's review article in Angewandte Chemie, entitled "DNA as a Versatile Chemical Component for Catalysis, Encoding, and Stereocontrol", is now available online at the journal's website.

July 2010
Congratulations to Victor for receiving a position in the NIH-funded Chemistry-Biology Interface Training Program!

July 2010
Former Silverman Lab graduate student Yangming Wang, who is now completing his postdoc at UCSF, has accepted a position as Professor in the Institute of Molecular Medicine at Peking University, where he will begin in 2011. Congratulations to Yangming!

June 2010
Visiting graduate student Elena Pazos Chantrero from the group of Jose Mascareñas at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) will be joining us from mid-June through mid-October. Welcome to Elena!

June 2010
Welcome undergraduate Rebecca Wehrmann to the lab!

April 2010
Congratulations to Ying for her great chemical biology literature seminar!

April 2010
Former Silverman Lab undergraduate Andrew Hoover, who is currently a first-year graduate student with Tobias Ritter at Harvard, has performed a scientific triple play: he has won graduate fellowships from each of NSF, DOE, and NDSEG. Way to go, Andrew!

April 2010
Former Silverman Lab undergraduate Timothy Mui, now a second-year graduate student with Jackie Barton at Caltech, was recently named as an NSF Graduate Research Fellow. Congratulations, Tim!

March 2010
Update: Amit's Chem. Commun. manuscript has been selected by the journal as a "Hot Article".

February 2010
Amit's manuscript on DNA-catalyzed serine side chain reactivity and selectivity has been accepted at Chem. Commun. Congratulations to Amit!

February 2010
Scott has been named the 2010-2011 LAS Professorial Scholar by the U of I College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

January 2010
Congratulations to Mary, whose guanine riboswitch folding manuscript (with first author Michael Brenner and third author Michelle Nahas, both from Taekjip Ha's lab) is now in press at Biochemistry.

January 2010
Congratulations to former Silverman Lab undergraduate Kimberly [Peterson] Kaufman, who has earned her Ph.D. (chemistry) with Sam Gellman at Wisconsin! Kim will be a postdoc in the lab of Aseem Ansari at Wisconsin. Also, belated congratulations to former undergraduate Brian Smith, who earned his Ph.D. (chemistry) with John Denu also at Wisconsin last August and is now a postdoc at UC Berkeley with Michael Marletta. Kim and Brian are the first two Silverman Lab undergraduates to obtain their Ph.D. degrees!

January 2010
Welcome Emily, Nora, and Sarah to the lab!

January 2010
Listen to Scott's nine-minute podcast from August on the Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News website. The topic is DNA-catalyzed DNA hydrolysis, as reported in the lab's recent Nat. Chem. Biol. manuscript by Madhav and Amit.

January 2010
Welcome to the new Silverman Lab webpage!